Welcome to the Chester H.S.
Academic Advising Center!
Here you will find scholarships available for the 22-23 school year.
Mrs. Cain (tcain@chesterisd.com) is the Academic Advisor who will meet with students about future plans. Mrs. Thompson (lthompson@chesterisd.com) is the district's Instructional Coach; she will be available for scholarships and will be updating this page with local and nonlocal scholarships as they come available!

Scholarships will be broken into two sections:
deadline and reoccurring.
Deadline scholarships, located at the top, are ordered by due date. Reoccurring scholarships, located further down the page, are either on point systems, occur multiple times a year, etc.

Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 25
Award Deadline: First-come, first-served basis until all available funds are dispersed
TFB has made scholarship funds available to first-year students attending Texas State Technical College (TSTC).
A) Applicant must be a member of a Texas Farm Bureau family and in good standing (Texas Farm Bureau membership is a family membership. Children of parents who are Texas Farm Bureau members are eligible under their parent’s membership up to age 25.)
B) Applicant must complete the Google form (TSTC Scholarship Form - available through the click here link above)
C) Applicant must be a first year TSTC student
D) Applicant must list their TSTC student ID number
E) Applicant must list their anticipated program and campus
Another $10,000 is available through the Helping Hands fund, which is meant to help students with unexpected costs that do not qualify for academic financial aid. For more information on TSTC scholarships, visit tstc.edu/admissions/financial-aid/scholarships.
Gourmet Foods International Culinary Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $2,500
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: Sep 15, 2022
This scholarship seeks to support current and future students pursuing careers in culinary arts or food science. Any high school senior or undergraduate student accepted to or enrolled in an accredited culinary or hospitality school program in with a 2.75 GPA or higher may apply for this scholarship.

1 Life, 1 You, 1 Story: 3 Sentence Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Sept 30, 2022
One students will win $1,000 to help them achieve their dreams.
This scholarship is open to people of all backgrounds and education levels. While your life is full of many stories, please take 3 sentences to tell a story about what makes you, you!
Expand Your Horizons Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $2,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Sept 30, 2022
Winner Announced: Oct 1, 2022
Getting the most out of life requires both the courage to explore the world, and the kindness and openness to welcome and accept all those you meet along the way.
One student whose profile demonstrates an openness to learning about other cultures and sharing their own will receive $2,000 to help them continue on their path to travel and learn.
This may include studying new languages, traveling to study in a new place, teaching or learning art styles or cooking methods from a new culture, or anything else that demonstrates openness to new cultures in your school, work, or hobbies.

"$$$ Isn't Everything" Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Sept 30, 2022
Winner Announced: Oct 3, 2022
When people start seeing dollar signs, they can become blind to the more important things in life.
We each get a precious, short time on earth, and there can be tremendous pressure to spend the majority of it focused on money.
This scholarship exists to help one new student or graduate each month to worry a little bit less about money and get a bit of time and energy back to focus on the important things.
Rhodes Scholarships DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $50,000
Awards Available: 95
Award Deadline: Oct 3, 2022
At the time of application, an applicant must be:
A) A citizen of the United States OR a lawful permanent resident of the United States OR a U.S. resident with DACA status on April 15 in the year of application.
B) Eligible to apply through one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or one of the U.S. territories: either in the state or territory where the applicant was legally resident on April 15 in the year of application, or where the applicant will have received at least two years of college training and a bachelor's degree before October 1 in the year following election.
C) At least 18 but not yet 24 years of age (i.e., the applicant must still be 23 on October 1 in the year of application).

Keep Going Forward No Essay Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,515
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Oct 30, 2022
Your life's journey will take you to amazing places. Places on earth, and places in your head and heart. The only way to get there is to keep going forward.
Things will weigh you down, make you feel stuck, and even make you long to go backward, but with clear vision and determination the best things in life will lie ahead.
The Keep Going Forward Scholarship exists to support anyone moving on to somewhere or something new in life, whether that’s a new town, new school, new passion, or new phase of life. Open to all students and non-students in any stage of life or field of study, the only requirement is that you are moving forward toward something new.
Coca-Cola Scholars Program DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $20,000
Awards Available: 150
Award Deadline: Oct 31, 2022
Applicants must be:
A) Current high school (or home-schooled) student attending a school in the U.S. (or select DoD schools) who will graduate during the 2022-20232 academic school year
B) U.S. Citizens, U.S. Nationals, U.S. Permanent Residents, Refugees, Asylees, Cuban-Haitian Entrants, or Humanitarian Parolees - based on the guidelines utilized by U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Aid eligibility
C) Expecting to receive high school diploma during current academic year
D) Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution
E) Able to verify a minimum overall B/3.0 GPA in high school coursework
Applicants may NOT be:
A) Children or grandchildren of current employees, officers, or owners of Coca-Cola bottling companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Company divisions, or subsidiaries.
B) Children or grandchildren of former employees who are currently receiving retirement benefits based on their previous employment with Coca-Cola bottling companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Company divisions, or subsidiaries.
C) International students (with the exception of students at DoD schools)
D) High school graduates
E) Temporary residents

Defining The Disability Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Oct 31, 2022
The Defining the Disability Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship available to students who meet the scholarship eligibility requirements below and who best describe in a 750-1,000 word essay what discusses how to define disability in the modern world versus its medical definition? While defining what disability means to you, explain how disability has been part of your life, whether it’s affected someone you know or has had a personal effect.
A) The scholarship is open to any current high school senior, vocational student, college student, or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and who is enrolled in a vocational program or two to five year post-secondary institution for the 2023 spring semester.
B) Employees of Berkowitz Hanna Malpractice & Injury Lawyers, their immediate families (parent, child, sibling, and spouse), and persons living in the same households of such individuals (whether related or not), are not eligible to participate in the competition.
C) Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.
Encouraging Diversity Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Oct 31, 2022
At The Law Offices of Doroshow, Pasquale, Krawitz & Bhaya, we want to encourage diversity in the legal industry. That is why we have created the DP Law Encouraging Diversity Scholarship! This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a minority law or pre-law student. We are passionate about promoting minority participation in the legal field. If you identify as a minority based on your ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, or economic status and are interested in pursuing a career in law, you are eligible for our scholarship! Please share why you want to become a lawyer, what type of law you are pursuing, and what motivates you. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
A) The scholarship was open to any high school senior, college student or graduate student who resided in one of the 50 states or in Washington DC and who is enrolled in a two to five year post-secondary institution for the Spring 2023 semester.
B) Employees of The Law Offices of Doroshow, Pasquale, Krawitz & Bhaya, their immediate families (parent, child, sibling, and spouse), and persons living in the same households of such individuals (whether related or not), were not eligible to participate in the competition.
C) Candidates for this scholarship must have had a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.

Voice of Democracy DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $ varies
Awards Available: $35,000 scholarship paid directly to the first place recipient’s American university, college or vocational/technical school. A complete list of other national scholarships range from $1,000-$21,000, and the first place winner from each VFW Department (state) wins at least a scholarship of $1,000.
Award Deadline: Oct 31, 2022
Established in 1947, our Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. Each year, nearly 25,000 9-12 grade students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $2 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program.
A) Grades 9-12
B) Enrolled in a public private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States, its territories and possessions; or dependents of U.S. military or civilian personnel in overseas schools.
C) Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent residence (the application for which has not been denied) and intends to become a U.S. citizen at the earliest opportunity allowed by law. Foreign exchange students, students age 20 or over, previous Voice of Democracy first place state winners, GED or Adult Education Students are ineligible.
Record your original 3-5 minute (+ or – 5 second max.) audio essay on a flash drive, or other electronic device. You will submit the recording, typed essay and this completed entry form. Provide these items to your school/group competition or VFW Post for judging. You must be the sole author of your essay. The recording must be in your own voice and in English. No music, singing, poetry or sound effects are allowed. The body of the essay must not identify you in any way, (including, but not limited to your name, school, city, state, race, or national origin) although the recording & typed essay should be labeled with your name, to show ownership. Your Voice of Democracy entry must be submitted to a participating VFW Post by the Oct. 31 deadline.
Originality is worth 30 points: Treatment of the theme should show imagination and human interest.
Content is worth 35 points: Clearly express your ideas in an organized manner. Fully develop your theme and use transitions to move smoothly from one idea to the other.
Delivery is worth 35 points: Speak in a clear and credible manner
Regeneron Science Talent Search DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $250,000
Awards Available: 300
Award Deadline: Nov 9, 2022
All Regeneron STS entrants must follow the official rules of entry, which outline eligibility requirements, ethics statements, and rules for scientific research. For all requirements, please visit the following link:
Click here for application requirements.

Elks National Foundation DEADLINE PASSEDLink: CLICK HERE!
Scholarship Value: $1,000 per year to $12,500 per year
Awards Available: 500
Award Deadline: Nov 14, 2022
A) Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.
B) Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks.
C) High school graduates are not eligible to apply.
D) Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are submitted; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.
Living Well Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $500
Award Deadline: Nov 15, 2022
Winner Announced: Dec 15, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
Trying to live a clean lifestyle can be difficult, but it can have a great impact on individuals, as well as the world as a whole. Clean living includes what we put into our bodies, as well as the products we purchase and use; all the way from beauty products to water bottles. It’s not easy to find and use clean products and foods, so Top Nutrition Coaching wants to recognize the importance of a clean lifestyle. The Living Well Scholarship will support someone who goes above and beyond to have a positive impact on themselves and the world around them.
High school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents and work to live healthy lifestyles. In your application, write about why you believe clean living is important and how you incorporate clean living practices into your everyday life.

Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Award Deadline: Nov 15, 2022
Winner Announced: Dec 15, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
College opens many doors and teaches young adults how to live independently. This change comes at a cost, and new college students may find it challenging to care for their mental, physical, and spiritual health. To help students make a healthy transition as they begin college, Top Nutrition Coaching is awarding the Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship to current or soon-to-be college students. This scholarship aims to help college students cultivate healthy habits as they begin their college journey.
High school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents. To apply, write about what excites you the most about college and how you strive to maintain a healthy mind, body, and soul while facing the ups and downs of school.

10 Words or Less Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Nov 15, 2022
Scholarship Eligibility:
A) Anyone who is between the ages of 14-25 who will be attending school in the Fall of 2023.
B) This scholarship is provided by StudentScholarships.org. In order to apply for our scholarship follow these instructions:
1. Go to forms.gle/82ScLkSRzfzpnraN9 and say in 10 words or less, tell us why you deserve the $1,000 scholarship.
2. Before or after writing your answer you will also need to "Like" our Facebook page.
Note: We will only read the answers provided from people that have "Liked" our page.
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Nov 15, 2022
To be eligible:
1) Be between the ages of 16 and 25 on the day of the deadline.
2) Submit answers to the essay questions, which can be found on the application page, prior to the deadline.
3) Have at least one full year of post-secondary studies remaining at the time of the award. (Current High School Students are also eligible.)
4) Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
5) Be a citizen of the United States or Canada.
The scholarship winner will be announced roughly six weeks after the deadline and will be posted on this website immediately after.

Volunteer for Vets Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Nov 30, 2022
If you are Veteran or a child of Veteran, please be sure to apply! Thank you to all of those who have served and who continue to serve our country.
A) Employees of Pontius Tax Law, PLLC, their immediate families, and persons living in the same household, are not eligible to participate in the competition.
B) Applicant has served in the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Reserves OR is the child or stepchild of someone who has.
C) Any current college student or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States and who is enrolled in a two to five year post-secondary institution for the Spring 2022 semester.
D) Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.

Your Health Journey Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $500
Award Deadline: Nov 15, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
Students have plenty on their plates. However, some go above and beyond to excel in all areas, including their health. A healthy lifestyle takes time and money to maintain, on top of the effort it takes to do well in school. Top Nutrition Coaching commends the effort it takes to develop a healthier lifestyle and wants to show their support for students who have taken steps to build a healthy lifestyle for themselves. The Your Healthy Journey Scholarship will recognize the work students have done as well as encourage their future progress towards living a healthy lifestyle.
High school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents and work to live a healthier lifestyle. To apply, share about your personal health journey and what changes you’ve made to live a healthier lifestyle.
Healthy Eating Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Award Deadline: Nov 15, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
College students are known for having poor diets–and for a good reason. Eating healthy comes at a cost, and college students don't always have the money to afford a proper diet. Top Nutrition Coaching seeks to change that, helping students afford wholesome foods, ingredients, or meal plans that will encourage healthier eating. Not only can more nutritious foods improve students' physical health, but they can also improve students’ well-being and how they feel. The Healthy Eating scholarship will help students pay for healthier meals while in school.
High school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents and believe in the importance of healthy eating. To apply, write about why it is important to have healthy eating habits and the differences you notice when you eat healthier.

Holistic Health Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Nov 30, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
College poses many new challenges for young adults, and living a healthy and well-balanced life may not be every student's priority. Yet, holistic health is crucial to a college student's success. We recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and believe every student should strive to live a well-balanced life while away in college.
We're awarding the Ensō Superfoods Holistic Health Scholarship to recognize those who put effort into their mental, physical, and nutritional health. Whether you've made strides with your diet, exercise routine, or mental vitality, we applaud your efforts and believe you deserve recognition. We encourage all high school seniors and college students to apply!

Mental Health Importance Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Dec 1, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
Mental health dictates every aspect of our lives, and everyone needs support from time to time. College is an exciting and challenging time for new students; many feel overwhelmed, confused, or anxious while away from home.
To raise awareness for the mental health of college students, we're awarding the Pettable Mental Health Importance Scholarship. Before students can do well in school, they must take care of their mental well-being. The new surroundings and challenges can affect some college students, and getting the needed support may not be easy. We encourage those who recognize the importance of mental health to apply.
Dog Owner Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Dec 1, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
Here at Pettable, we love dogs. We believe dogs are family, and students that have or previously had a dog know how important they can be in our lives. We want to recognize the dog parents in school, so we're offering the Pettable Dog Owner Scholarship to help.
Dogs provide us with comfort and emotional support and encourage us to live active lives and take care of something beyond ourselves. They make excellent companions while in school, and we believe they deserve recognition for all they do in our lives. We encourage all of the student dog owners to apply!

Endia Janel Visionary Women Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Dec 5, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
3.0 or higher
Having the courage and creativity to imagine a better life for oneself is the first step in making these dreams come true. By knowing that anything is possible and having a positive mindset, it’s possible to create the life of your wildest imagination. This scholarship aims to cultivate creative expression, self-awareness, and personal development for women of every age and background. Any female high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student with at least a 3.0 GPA may apply for this scholarship.
To apply, submit a short video of three minutes or less telling us what the benefits of positive visualization are. This can be a video presentation, animation, or talking head video. Please feel free to be creative in your response. Videos will be judged on content, quality, creativity, and execution.
Act Locally Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $500
Award Deadline: Dec 5, 2022
From little things, big things grow. The problems facing the world today can make it easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless to make a difference, but the most important opportunities to create meaningful change are just outside your door. This is a scholarship for students who are working to change the world by taking action in their local communities. Social action within your local community, environment, economy, and elections is a powerful step forward that can reverberate to the national and global level.
The recipients of the Act Locally Scholarship will receive $500 each. All GPAs will be considered, and all majors are invited to apply. While not required, applicants with experience volunteering or working to better their local community through social, environmental, or economic change are preferred.
Selection Criteria:
Essay, Impact

Au's Golden Ticket Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 5 ($1,000 per winner)
Award Deadline: Dec 5, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level: High school senior
Involvement: Sports
Not all hard-working athletes are noticed by recruiters and big schools, but they should still be noticed and appreciated. Au’s Golden Ticket Scholarship will support athletes who have given their all on the field, specifically those who exemplify hard work and determination, but who may not have gotten major recognition. This mission is important because athletes at smaller schools or on teams that win less don’t always get the same recognition that other comparable athletes may get. High school seniors are eligible to apply if they are student athletes.
To apply, create a video a minute or less long explaining your involvement in athletics and your community. You may also include a letter of recommendation from your coach.
Science Ambassador Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $40,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Dec 13, 2022
The Science Ambassador Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship for a woman in science, technology, engineering, or math.
A) You must be a high school senior or an undergraduate student.
B) You must attend a school in the United States.
Film a three–minute educational video of yourself explaining a STEM topic you're passionate about. To apply, you must be a high school senior or an undergraduate college student.. Your video should be:
A) A mini–lecture, not a personal statement. Pretend you're a lecturer speaking to a class. Teach us something.
B) Clear, creative, accurate, and a demonstration of your passion for the subject. We value novel, memorable approaches to topics. Your video doesn't need to be fancy or high–tech. Production value is not a factor.
C) Three minutes or less in length. Videos longer than this will not be considered. No exceptions!
D) About any STEM topic, not necessarily your field of study. Pick a topic that excites and fascinates you. We don't need to hear about the latest thing in science news (unless that's your jam).
E) Scientifically accurate. We encourage you to cite the sources used to research your topic. Ideally, this would be in a slide or frame at the end of your video. You can use any citation format you'd like.
F) Uploaded to YouTube and marked 'public.' No exceptions!
Please note: Part of being a science communicator is leading by example. If applicable, please film your video in a way that complies with your local safety regulations related to COVID-19.
An advisory board of women who hold higher degrees and work in a broad range of STEM fields will review applications and select finalists. Finalists will be notified in early 2023 and will move onto the next round to submit additional materials. A winner will be announced in April 2023.

Burger King Scholars Program DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $50,000
Awards Available: 4000
Scholarship Opens: October 15, 2022
Award Deadline: Dec 15, 2022
Scholarship grants range from $1,000 to $50,000 and are intended to help students offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. Recipients are selected based on their grade point average (GPA), work experience, extracurricular activities and community service.
Scholarship Eligibility:
A) Be living in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
B) Be graduating high school seniors
C) Cumulative high school grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale
D) Plan to enroll full-time, without interruption, for the entire academic year at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school or CEGEP or equivalent in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada

Rubincam Youth Award DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: Dec 15, 2022
The Rubincam Youth Award was established in 1986 to honor Milton Rubincam, CG, FASG, FNGS, for his many years of service to the National Genealogical Society and to the field of genealogy. These awards encourage and recognize our youth as the next generation of family historians.
1) Young persons worldwide are eligible to apply.
2) NGS membership is not required.
3) Students must apply under the appropriate age/grade award.
1) Must be in English and be original unpublished work
3) Become property of NGS and will not be returned
4) Are not eligible for later resubmission
5) Will not be returned if incomplete
Thiel Fellowship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $100,000
Awards Available: 30
Award Deadline: Dec 31, 2022 (Deadline Estimated)
Founded by technology entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel in 2011, the Thiel Fellowship is a two-year program for young people who want to build new things. Thiel Fellows skip or stop out of college to receive a $100,000 grant and support from the Thiel Foundation's network of founders, investors, and scientists.
What is the Fellowship?
The Thiel Fellowship is a two-year, $100,000 grant for young people who want to build new things instead of sit in a classroom.

Happy Holidays Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Dec 31, 2022
Since 1995, our mission has been to help connect students with the right schools for them. Carnegie Dartlet, the organization that houses CollegeXpress, is an educational publisher and higher education marketing agency. Every year, thousands of students across the United States and around the world discover their colleges using our websites, magazines, and services.
To be eligible for the Scholarship you:
A) Must be 13 years of age or older and a legal resident of the 50 U.S. or D.C.
B) Must be currently attending high school, college, vocational, or any other accredited post-secondary institution.
*Employees/officers/directors of Carnegie Dartlet entities and family/household members are not eligible.
Design Thinking Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: Dec 31, 2022 & July 2023
American Graphics Institute offers multiple scholarships to encourage the use of design and creative thinking across various disciplines and fields. Several scholarships are available each year for students enrolled in any accredited post-secondary degree-granting program in the United States, including undergraduate and post-graduate programs. There are also separate scholarships available for students attending American Graphics Institute programs as well.
The American Graphic Institute Design Thinking scholarship is offered to both part-time and full-time students enrolled in degree programs at any accredited college or university in the United States. This $1,000 scholarship is awarded twice annually, in January and August of each year. The goal of the scholarship is to encourage design thinking across various disciplines. Deadlines for scholarship submissions are July 31 and December 31. The scholarships are offered annually and on a rolling basis. Submissions are considered for the next available scholarship.
To apply for the Design Thinking scholarship submit an essay of between 500 and 1500 words describing how you anticipate design thinking or digital design tools will impact you and your career choice. The title of the essay must reflect how design thinking or design tools impacts either you or your career choice.
The second available scholarship is the American Graphics Institute training scholarship which is awarded to students enrolled in Certificate programs at American Graphics Institute. This $500 scholarship is awarded to student(s) enrolled or scheduled to be enrolled at the time of the scholarship application. To apply for the training scholarship, submit an essay of between 500 and 1500 words describing how you anticipate learning digital design tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign will contribute to your career. You can select your own essay title, but it must reflect how either a digital design tool, or digital design tools in general will contribute to your career.
All scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements along with all other scholarship rules, including:
Must be enrolled in a degree-granting program at an accredited two or four year college or university located in the United States for the Design Thinking Scholarship. This can be any accredited college or university, and it is not limited to students of American Graphics Institute.
One scholarship application per person may be submitted during each scholarship period.
The scholarship winner must be a legal resident of the United States or hold a valid student visa.
A completed scholarship application form must be submitted.
The scholarship is void in any jurisdiction where prohibited by law.
Scholarship winners are decided exclusively by the scholarship committee at American Graphics Institute. Scholarship winners are contacted two weeks following the submission deadline, in mid-January and mid-September of each year.

Hearst Journalism Awards Program DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 140
Award Deadline: Dec 31, 2022 (Deadline Estimated)
The Hearst Journalism Awards Program was founded in 1960 to provide support, encouragement and assistance to journalism education at the college and university level. The program awards scholarships to students for outstanding performance in college-level journalism, with matching grants to the students’ schools.
The 63rd annual program, offering up to $700,000 in awards, consists of five monthly writing competitions, two photojournalism competitions, one audio competition, two television competitions, and four multimedia competitions – with championship finals in all divisions.
Participation in the program is open to undergraduate journalism majors currently enrolled in ACEJMC – accredited domestic universities. An exception to the journalism major rule is made for students entering the photojournalism competitions. Entrants must be actively involved in campus media and must have published articles, photographs or produced newscasts or multimedia pieces that can be submitted in the writing, photojournalism, broadcast and/or multimedia competitions.
The William Randolph Hearst Foundation was established by its namesake, publisher William Randolph Hearst, in 1948 under California non-profit laws, exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Since then, The Hearst Foundations have contributed more than one billion dollars in the areas of education, health care, social services and the arts throughout the country.
See the link for the requirements for entering the writing, photojournalism, audio, television and/or multimedia competitions.

Live Mas Scholarship Program DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $25,000
Awards Available: 100
Award Deadline: Jan 11, 2023
The Taco Bell Foundation breaks down barriers to educate and inspire the next generation of America’s leaders. Since 1992, the Taco Bell Foundation has reached more than 4 million young people across the country and has awarded more than $110 million in Live Más Scholarships and grants to youth-serving nonprofit organizations focused on education and career readiness.
All applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be considered eligible for the 2023 Live Más Scholarship Program:
Applicant is a legal resident of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia (“D.C.”) who is at least 16 years of age and no older than 26 years of age as of the last day of the Program Period located in the United States or D.C.
If an applicant is a minor in his/her/their state of residence, they must receive parental consent from his/her/their parent/legal guardian to apply.
Applicant must be on-track to apply for or enrolled in an accredited post-high school/post-secondary educational program (including accredited two-and four-year colleges, universities, vocational-technical and trade schools).
Applicant must be willing to work with the Taco Bell Foundation’s Scholarship Management Company throughout the application and award process.
Employees of Taco Bell Foundation, Inc., Taco Bell of America, LLC, Taco Bell Corp. and its parent, subsidiaries of its parent, franchisees, licensees, and the advertising and promotion agencies involved with this Program are not eligible to apply or receive a scholarship through this version of the program.
Submit a video (2 minutes or less in length) that addresses these questions:
What is your passion and how are you currently pursuing it?
How do you plan to use your passion to uniquely make a positive change in your community or the world?
How will your education help enable you to pursue your passion and make a change.
Your submission video must be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes in length. Think about filming this video on a phone, computer, tablet, or any other MP4 video-enabled camera to which you have access. It could be a short film, animation, or a simple testimonial. This isn’t about how well you can make a film—we want to learn more about you, your passion and how you plan to ignite change in your community and beyond!
Profile in Courage High School Awards DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 8
Award Deadline: Jan 13, 2023
In Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy recounted the stories of eight U.S. senators who risked their careers to do what was right for the nation. These leaders demonstrated political courage by taking a stand for the public good in spite of pressure by interest groups, their political party, or even their constituents. The Profile in Courage Essay Contest challenges students to write an original and creative essay that demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in Profiles in Courage. The maximum word count is 1,000 with a minimum of 700, not including citations and bibliography. Use at least five varied sources such as government documents, letters, newspaper articles, books, and/or personal interviews.
Contest Topic
Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born. Include an analysis of the obstacles, risks, and consequences associated with the act. The essay may concern an issue at the local, state, national, or international level. Since originality is one of the criteria for judging, we strongly encourage students to profile an official in their town, state or region, or a leader who has addressed an issue of great concern to them. We advise students to avoid selecting a common essay subject.
The contest is open to United States high school students in grades nine through twelve attending public, private, parochial, or home schools; U.S. students under the age of twenty enrolled in a high school correspondence/GED program in any of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, or the U.S. territories; and U.S. citizens attending schools overseas. Past winners and finalists are not eligible to participate. Employees of John Hancock Financial Services and members of their families are not eligible to participate.
The contest deadline is January 13, 2023 at 11:59 PM (EST).
Essays can be no more than 1,000 words but must be a minimum of 700 words. Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count.
Essays must be the original work of the student.
Essays must have a minimum of five sources.

Scholarship Value: $1,000 + $1,000 to their club or chapter
Awards Available: 19
Award Deadline: Jan 15, 2023
Each Texas Farm Credit branch location will select one local student who will be awarded a $1,000 academic grant and the title of Ag Champ. In addition, each Ag Champ will also have a $1,000 contribution made in their honor to their FFA chapter or 4-H club.
To qualify, an applicant must:
Be a high school senior scheduled to graduate in 2023 (Children of employees or directors are not eligible)
Be a member of FFA or 4-H
Reside in Texas Farm Credit's 100-county territory
Submit a current high school transcript (official or unofficial)
Submit a 2023 application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Submit a resume
Submit an essay (see application for essay topic)
Completed applications must be received by January 15, 2023
Marsha Martin Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 10
Award Deadline: Jan 15, 2023
Texas Farm Credit will present $5,000 postsecondary scholarships to ten future ag leaders. Winners will be announced in May. The annual scholarship program is named in honor of Paris, Texas native Marsha Pyle Martin, a strong advocate for youths and agriculture who passed away in 2000 following a 30-year Farm Credit career.
To qualify, an applicant must:
Be a high school senior scheduled to graduate in 2023 (Children of employees or directors are not eligible)
Be a member of FFA or 4-H
Reside in Texas Farm Credit's 100-county territory
Submit a current high school transcript (official or unofficial)
Submit a 2023 application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Submit a resume
Submit an essay (see application for essay topic)
Completed applications must be received by January 15, 2023

Mensa US Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $2,500
Awards Available: 178
Award Deadline: Jan 15, 2023
There are two requirements for applicants:
A) Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program in an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning during the academic year following the application date.
B) Applicants must submit an application and essay explaining his or her career, academic and/or vocational goals.
Applicants have until Jan. 15 to write an essay of not more than 550 words explaining their career, academic and/or vocational goals and how they plan to achieve those goals.
Mensa Foundation Scholarship Program application rules and guidelines
Emphasis in judging will be placed on a goal statement that includes specific information on experience or steps taken toward the goal, persuasiveness (e.g., how your past achievements/experiences and your future planning increase the probability of reaching your goal), why you think that you will succeed, and also grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
A) Only one application is allowed per student in this scholarship competition.
B) Applicants must intend to enroll in an accredited educational institution for the next academic year.
C) Applicants must complete all required information on the entry form.
D) Essays must be the applicants' original work and no more than 550 words in length.
E) Essays must be entered via cut/paste on our scholarship application form on this website. Essays will be truncated to the limit specified.
F) Essay submissions are stored and reviewed as "plain text" without additional markup. Please make note of this when crafting your essay.
G) Applicants' names, addresses, and other identifying information must not be included in their essays.
H) By submitting the form electronically via our website, applicants provide their digital signature certifying that their information and essays are their own work and that they have read these rules and guidelines.
Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 39
Award Deadline: Jan 15, 2023
The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the annual National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship Awards for students completing twelfth grade (or final high school year) in 2023 who are planning careers in government service. Scholarship applicants must be citizens of the United States. The Trustees and Members of the Foundation, mindful of the significance of the important event in our nation’s history that occurred at Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, believe that if our country is to continue to progress, we must have thoroughly trained, dedicated young people to carry on our government’s work in future years.
Each interested student is invited to write a one-page essay stating why he or she plans a career in government service including any inspiration to be derived from the leadership of George Washington in his famous crossing of the Delaware. This essay must be accompanied by a recommendation from the high school principal or guidance counselor evaluating the student’s achievements, along with transcripts, national testing scores, and other supporting information of the applicant’s choice as described in the Official Rules.
We award a variety of scholarships every year. Each scholarship will be paid, as long as the student meets the requirements of the college chosen. Students planning to attend one of the Military Academies or who have been awarded full four-year tuition scholarships will be eligible for an award. In past years, winners attending will have their expenses paid for transportation, food and housing in Pennsylvania for the weekend, to attend the Scholarship Awards Ceremony. All winners are required to attend the Scholarship Awards Program on Saturday April 22, 2023, to win their scholarship; attendance by Zoom is possible if the winner is unable to attend. Due to COVID-19, Former Alumni Scholars prepared and created a Scholarship Awards Ceremony via Zoom meeting with a video introduction, photographs and a brief biography of the 40 winners for 2021. We will hold the Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Luncheon April 22, 2023, beginning at 11 am at the Washington Crossing Inn, right next to Washington Crossing Historic Park.
We invite you to explore our website, which contains all of the information candidates should require to prepare and submit an application, including:
The program’s Official Rules, requirements, and procedures. A complete, downloadable version of the program information published on this site. Thank you for your interest in our National Scholarship Competition. To be considered for this year’s program, applications must be POSTMARKED no later than January 15, 2023. We highly recommend all applicants send their applications Priority Mail, if at all possible. Last year a number of applications took many weeks to arrive. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Competition is open to all high school seniors who are U.S. citizens and are planning careers of service to the United States in local, state, or federal government. All awards are for one year.

Foot Locker Scholar Athletes DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $20,000
Awards Available: 20
Award Deadline: Jan 30, 2023
The Foot Locker Scholar Athletes program honors student-athletes who demonstrate exceptional academic ability and strong leadership skills in sports, in their schools, and within their communities. Whether you're the lead scorer or the most spirited team player, we want to hear how you’ve taken the skills you've cultivated in the locker room and used them to create a powerful, positive impact on the lives of others around you.
Applicants will be judged based on whether they...
Embody good sportsmanship and strong moral character. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes are trusted and respected members of their schools and communities. They have built strong relationships with and will leave a lasting impact on other students, administrators, and community members.
Display academic excellence. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes are intellectually curious, set high academic goals for themselves, and excel in their studies.
Are passionate and committed to empowering the community in which they live. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes have made a significant commitment to improving the lives of others.
Are confident and enthusiastic about being a leader. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes aren’t reluctant role models. They are confident, honest, and passionate leaders who take on challenges for the greater good.
Come from diverse backgrounds. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes have unique life stories, are from different places, have varied academic ambitions, and play a wide range of sports.
Are Foot Locker Scholar Athletes material. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes share key attributes:
Proactive and highly motivated
Inspiring and charismatic
Honest and trustworthy
Strong and courageous
Twenty Foot Locker Scholar Athletes will each receive $20,000 in college scholarship money for their excellence in school, on their sports teams, and in their communities.
In order to be eligible for the Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program, the applicant must:
Be entering college in the Fall of 2023 as a Freshman at a four-year school for an undergraduate degree or two-year or four-year community college.
Be currently involved in high school sports, intramural sports, or community based sports.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident (you will be asked to prove citizenship and age if you win).
Not be an employee, officer or director of Foot Locker, Inc., or any of its subsidiaries, or a member of the immediate family of such an employee, officer or director.
National Eagle Scout Association Scholarships DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $7,500
Awards Available: 32
Award Deadline: Jan 31, 2023
Funding for these scholarships is provided by endowments from the National Eagle Scout Association, as well as the Hansen & Mary Hall Scholarship Fund, the Lester S. McElwain Eagle Scholarship Endowment, and the Robert and Rebecca Palmer Eagle Scout Scholarship Endowment.
Scholarships are awarded to Eagle Scouts who have shown active participation in school, Scouting activities, and community service, and who demonstrate they understand the fundamentals of service to community, service to Scouting and their character. They should also demonstrate that, if they have a financial need, what distinguishes their financial need from others.
A) Eagle Scouts may apply for NESA scholarships beginning in their senior year of high school through their junior year in college.
B) Recipients may receive a NESA scholarship one time only.
C) NESA scholarships are available to Eagle Scouts attending four-year colleges or universities, vocational trade schools, and other approved programs.
D) NESA scholarships are not available to students attending any of the U.S. military academies.
E) NESA scholarships are not available to graduate students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree.
Award Condition
A) Awardee must be an active member of the National Eagle Scout Association for each award period.
B) Awardee will register, maintain, and provide NESA with proof of full-time status at his or her selected college/university during the life of the scholarship. Work co-op programs are not an acceptable means of meeting full-time-student status.
C) All funds will be paid directly to the awardee’s selected college/university for tuition, room, board, and books during the life of the scholarship, which is four consecutive years.
D) Awardees must attend a four-year college/university that is accredited by recognized accreditation agencies and that offers at least a bachelor’s degree upon completion of the course of study offered.
E) NESA will submit payment to the selected college/university upon receipt of an itemized bill and college transcript verifying the awardee’s full-time status. The scholarship is paid either in semester installments for the larger Cooke.
F) Scholarship awards, or as one-time payments at the discretion of NESA.
G) Awardee must maintain a GPA that places you in the upper third of your class.
H) Awardee must use scholarship in the academic year awarded. Scholarships may not be deferred.

Shred Nations Scholarship Program DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $7,500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Jan 31, 2023
Shred Nations and Record Nations are Colorado based companies dedicated to promoting economic success of businesses in the shredding and secure destruction or management industries. As a member of i-SIGMA, Shred Nations and Record Nations recognizes the benefits of continuing higher education for those individuals interested in business, environmental responsibility and making future contributions to the community. Both companies support the independent shredding and document management industry and believe in giving back to those providers by offering a scholarship to students seeking higher education.
The Shred Nations and Record Nations Scholarship is an annual award of up to $7,500 to offset the costs of higher education. The scholarship award may be divided into two separate payments to be paid directly to the applicant’s chosen institution of higher education, which must be an accredited university, college or trade school.
Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must have completed secondary school, or currently be a senior in a secondary school.
Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 with an interest in business, environmental studies, document management or the shredding and recycling industry.
Applicants will be required to submit a nomination from an i-SIGMA member. i-SIGMA members will be comprised of any employee or owner of an i-SIGMA member company.
To find an i-SIGMA member company that is willing to get to know you and write a letter of recommendation, applicants can use i-SIGMA’s interactive map search for a full directory of i-SIGMA members and their contact information.
One scholarship will be awarded for the academic year, and past recipients may re-apply to be awarded the scholarship for subsequent years. Shred Nations and Record Nations employees, and immediate or extended families are not permitted to be awarded the scholarship.
Submitting the Application
Shred Nations and Record Nations will begin accepting applications beginning on July 1 of each year in which the Shred Nations and Record Nations Scholarship is offered. Applications for the 2023/2024 school year must be received by Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 (11:59 PM Mountain Time)
Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 200
Award Deadline: Feb 1, 2023
SME Education Foundation has awarded $18 million to over 5,000 students since 2005. Graduating high school seniors as well as students pursuing two-year, four-year or graduate degrees in manufacturing or engineering are eligible to apply for scholarships. In the past two years, the Foundation awarded a record number of scholarships to women and minorities as part of a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.
Supporting the Next Generation Workforce
SME Education Foundation scholarships are funded by SME, by generous individuals, and by philanthropic organizations that share our goal of inspiring, preparing and supporting the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent. Whether you’re a student looking to fund your studies or an organization looking to pay it forward and support the next generation, we’re here to help.
Multiple Opportunities, One Application
With annual and renewable scholarships available, students have many opportunities to pursue their dream career. And, with one application, it’s simple.
Basic criteria:
Must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States or Canada.
Must have minimum of 2.0/4.0 GPA or higher.
Must be on a path toward an associate, bachelor’s or graduate degree in manufacturing engineering, technology, or closely related field at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada.

Scholarships for Texas Athletic, Music and Academic Participants DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $2,000
Awards Available: 15
Award Deadline: February 3rd, 2023
Five students who competed in athletics, five students who competed in music, and five more students who competed in academic events are selected from the pool of applicants from across the state. H-E-B will award each selected student with a $2,000 scholarship toward their college/university of choice. Recipients will be spotlighted during the 2023 UIL Texas Girls & Boys Basketball State Championships.
A) Must be a current Texas high school senior graduating
B) Minimum 3.3 GPA
C) Have participated in a UIL competition as a high school student
D) Have been active in community service programs or events.
What you will need to apply
Current GPA
Number of Community Service Hours in the last 12 months
Community Service Verification Letters to document the number of hours submitted
A Letter of Recommendation
A short essay (500 words or less) on the topic: "What does Community mean to you?"
Venus Morris Griffin Scholarship DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Feb 15, 2023
It started with hardship. After overcoming a life of trials and tribulations, Venus Morris Griffin established a scholarship fund to help children much like her own. A $10,000 annual scholarship fund was created to help deserving high school students with an incarcerated parent to ensure that nothing stops them from reaching their full potential. Since the inception of the scholarship fund, the goal grew to help more deserving individuals in need, and so the Venus Morris Griffin Foundation was born.
To qualify for a Scholarship:
Recipients of this scholarship are chosen by Venus and her children. Scholarships are a valuable investment in our collective future and help develop promising future leaders. This scholarship is funded entirely by proceeds from Venus’ speaking engagements, and by donations from generous supporters and donors.
You MUST be a High School Senior in the United States
You MUST have a biological parent that is currently incarcerated
Students that are adopted and in foster care that meet all terms and conditions are encouraged to apply
You MUST prove acceptance into either an institution of higher learning or a trades program, by March 2023 – Payment shall be made directly to the institution
You MUST show proof of acceptance to attend college in the next one year and also provide an invoice issued by the institution
Only one (1) entry letter allowed per person/household explaining how having an incarcerated parent has impacted your life
All scholarship money MUST be used on tuition ONLY and within the first or second year of high school graduation

Davidson Fellows Scholarships DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $50,000
Awards Available: 20
Award Deadline: Feb 15, 2023
We award $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to gifted and high-achieving students, 18 years old or under, who have completed a significant piece of work.
Eligibility and Deadline
Be 18 or younger as of the application deadline to be eligible.
Be a U.S. citizen residing in the United States, or a Permanent Resident of the United States residing in the United States, or be stationed overseas due to active U. S. military duty.
There is no minimum age for eligibility.
Teams of two are eligible. Both team members must meet eligibility requirements.
Davidson Fellows must be available to attend, with one parent or guardian, the awards reception and other recognition events to be held in September in Washington, DC. (Travel expenses and lodging will be provided by the Institute.)
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of significant work. Significant work is an accomplishment that experts in the field recognize as meaningful and has the potential to make a positive contribution to society. Such work may be:
an exceptionally creative application of existing knowledge
a new idea with high impact
an innovative solution with broad-range implications
an important advancement that can be replicated and built upon
an interdisciplinary discovery
a prodigious performance
another demonstration of extraordinary accomplishment
Information for teams:
Teams may be no more than two people.
Both team members must be 18 or younger as of the application deadline of February 15, 2023.
Both team members must attend any in-person awards events.
Scholarship money will be split evenly between the two team members.
As with solo submissions, two nominators are required.
The Davidson Institute is looking for students whose projects are at, or close to, the college graduate level with a depth of knowledge in their particular area of study. This scholarship is not geared toward students at the novice level.
Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarships DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 3
Award Deadline: Feb 20, 2023
The Vegetarian Resource Group each year will award $20,000 in college scholarship money to graduating U.S. high school students who have promoted vegetarianism in their schools and/or communities. Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or fowl. Vegans are vegetarians who do not use other animal products such as dairy or eggs.
One award of $10,000 and two awards of $5,000 will be given. Entries may only be sent by students graduating from high school in SPRING 2023.
We will accept applications postmarked on or before FEBRUARY 20, 2023. Early submission is encouraged.
Applicants will be judged on having shown compassion, courage, and a strong commitment to promoting a peaceful world through a vegetarian diet/lifestyle. Payment will be made to the student's college (U.S. based only). Winners of the scholarships give permission to release their names to the media. Applications and essays become property of The Vegetarian Resource Group. We may ask finalists for more information. Scholarship winners are contacted by e-mail or telephone.

Coast Guard Exchange Scholarship Program DEADLINE PASSED
Scholarship Value: $2,000
Awards Available: 20
Award Deadline: Feb 28, 2023
Recognizing the value of education and the benefits it brings to the Coast Guard Family, the Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) Scholarship Program was established to provide additional financial resources to dependent children of Coast Guard personnel embarking on undergraduate college/university studies. Annually a $2,000 scholarship is awarded to the outstanding applicants on a one-time basis. The number of scholarships granted each year depends on available funding. Coast Guard Exchange System (CGX) Scholarship Program, CSCINST 1780 provides amplifying information on the program and application process.
Applications and all supporting documents must be submitted to the CGX Scholarship Committee no later than 28 February (current year), the application deadline. No extensions will be granted.
A) The Program provides scholarship to students who are dependents of Coast Guard active duty, reserve, and military retired members, current civilian NAF and APF employees, and current Coast Guard Auxiliarists that meet the following eligibility requirements:
B) The applicant must be in the last year of high school or home schooling and scheduled to graduate and attend college full-time during the subsequent year. Those who have already graduated are not eligible to apply.
C) Students must plan to attend an accredited college or university for undergraduate studies. Scholarships will not be awarded for participation in nonacademic and/or certified programs. Students accepting appointments to USAFA, USNA, USMA, USCGA, or USMMA are not eligible.
Award Criteria
CGX scholarships are awarded based upon academic achievement, accomplishments, interests, participation, and demonstrated leadership in both school-oriented and community/volunteer activities.
Southeast Texas Student of Integrity Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $2,500
Awards Available: 15
Award Deadline: March 10, 2023
A) Be a high school senior in one of these counties/areas: Chambers, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Newton, Orange, Tyler and the Bolivar Peninsula.
B) Be a Texas Resident
Each applicant should submit an entry portfolio that includes the following documentation of their commitment to high ethical behavior: leadership, community service/work experience, academics and an essay using the Uncommon Sense Framework topics.
Winners will be notified in April and will have the opportunity to attend and be recognized at the 2023 Torch Awards event in early summer.

Horatio Alger Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $25,000
Awards Available: 105
Award Deadline: Mar 15, 2023
As one of the nation’s largest college financial aid programs in the country, the Horatio Alger National Scholarship Program is one of the major scholarship programs nationally that specifically assists high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. The scholarships are funded by Horatio Alger Members who, like the Scholars, have experienced challenges but ultimately overcame them to become successful business and civic leaders.
The National Scholarship is awarded to eligible students in all fifty states, and the District of Columbia. National Scholars receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C., during the spring of their senior year to participate in the National Scholars Conference.
To be eligible to apply for the Horatio Alger National Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States
Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
Demonstrate critical financial need ($55,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required)
Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and
Be a United States citizen
Simform STEM Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Mar 15, 2023
One of the Simform’s focus is to inspire young people to build their skills in the fields of STEM. To further pursue that we offer a scholarship reward of $1000 for the student who demonstrates excelling ability and aptitude in the same.
Pursuing a career in the field of STEM and funding the education comes at a cost mostly involving financial limitations. We would not have been so successful without our skilled, proactive, and educationally enthusiastic team who have made us one of the top custom software development companies.
As a leading development firm, Simform understands the importance of the STEM fields. As a result, we are happy to open a door of opportunity to aid the most deserving student with a STEM scholarship in the hopes of creating a future leader who will shape the digital world for the better.
Eligibility Criteria
Students who are willing to apply for the Simform STEM Scholarship must meet the following eligibility requirements:
A) Should be a permanent resident of the United States, or a residing U.S. citizen, or be stationed overseas due to active U.S military duty.
B) Must be pursuing a career in computer science, applied mathematics, or any field related to STEM.
C) Can be freshmen or a full-time student enrolled in their current university.
D) Must be able to provide affirmation that the work submitted by the applicant is their own creation.
In addition to the information requested, it is mandatory to answer the following in the same form:
A) Provide a brief synopsis (150 words) about your current academic program and anticipated graduation date.
B) Write a personal statement outlining your career goals and how they will contribute to the area of your focus related to STEM

Microsoft disAbility Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $20,000
Awards Available: 8
Award Deadline: Mar 15, 2023
This scholarship will be awarded to promising high school seniors with disabilities who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and aspire to have a career in the technology industry. The scholarships are renewable – each winner who continues to meet the criteria is eligible to receive an annual award of $5,000 for up to four (4) consecutive years for a potential total $20,000 scholarship. A total of eight (8) scholarships will be awarded in 2023.
To be considered for the Microsoft Disability Scholarship, you must:
Be a current high school senior living with a disability as defined by WHO, including visual, hearing, mobility, cognitive, and/or speech disabilities or other disability
Plan to attend an undergraduate program in a 2 or 4-year University/College or Technical College in the fall of the academic year following high-school graduation.
Declare an approved major in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, law, business, or a related field (e.g. paralegal, pre-law, finance, business administration, or marketing).
Demonstrate a passion for technology.
Demonstrate leadership at school and/or in the community.
Have a high school cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Require financial assistance to attend college.
Enrollment status must be full-time or half-time.
Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 200
Award Deadline: Mar 31, 2023
Welcome to the Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship Program! Whether you are a student, parent, family member, instructor, school administrator, or just interested in STEM education, we are excited to share more about our efforts to support the academic endeavors of college-level learners across the nation.
Lockheed Martin launched the STEM Scholarship Program in 2018 as part of investment in the next generation of STEM talent. We are committed to providing access to pathways through education and into the STEM workforce for all students, particularly those from diverse backgrounds and communities historically underrepresented in STEM fields.
Each year, the STEM Scholarship Program awards $10,000 to 200 recipients studying engineering or computer science at a 4-year college or university. Recipients may renew the scholarship up to three times for a total potential value of $40,000 per student.
Eligibility Requirements
U.S. citizen
Demonstrated financial need
High school senior with a 2.5 or above GPA OR a freshman or a sophomore undergraduate student with a 2.5 or above GPA
Current or planned 4-year degree enrollment in the following majors:
Aerospace Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Current or planned full-time attendance at an accredited U.S. four-year college or university
Interest in a paid internship with Lockheed Martin following their freshman, sophomore or junior year of college, other circumstances notwithstanding (note: the internship is not required to receive a scholarship, and scholarship recipients are not guaranteed an internship)

Linda "Noni" Anderson Memorial Music & Arts Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 3
Award Deadline: Apr 1, 2023
Linda “Noni” Anderson was a beloved mother and friend who passed away too soon after a battle with leukemia.
Linda was an advocate for the arts and believed they were vital sources of expression and beauty in our society. Unfortunately, many creative students are discouraged from pursuing their passions in college and are pushed toward more traditional fields instead.
This scholarship aims to honor the memory of Linda Anderson by financially supporting those who love the visual arts, performing arts, and music so that they will have the resources and encouragement necessary to fulfill their dreams.
Any low-income high school senior or undergraduate who has at least a 3.0 GPA and plans to study in arts or music may apply for this scholarship.
To apply, tell us why you’re passionate about the arts and what piece of art or music is the most important to you. Additionally, please submit 1-2 pieces of your creative portfolio in either music or arts.
Scholarship Value: $3,000
Awards Available: 42
Award Deadline: Apr 15, 2023
Tomorrow’s dairy leaders are here today, in classrooms, dairy youth organizations, at dairy competitions and on dairy farms across the country. The Dairy Shrine’s task is to encourage, stimulate and inspire them. Since its inception, Dairy Shrine has recognized the importance of laying a foundation for the future, and has constantly expanded its youth programs to capture and challenge the interest of outstanding dairy youth.
All Dairy Shrine scholarships and student awards are only for U.S. students attending schools, colleges or universities in the United States and majoring in dairy or other agricultural related fields.
A) Dairy Shrine Maurice E. Core Freshman Scholarships (1 at $1,000 & 2nd and greater – $1,000)
This scholarship is available to current freshman students at a four year college who are majoring in a dairy/animal industry related field with interest in working in the dairy industry in the future. Scholarship is based on leadership abilities, volunteerism, activities and plans for the future. This scholarship sponsored by the Maurice E. Core Scholarship fund, a fund created by donations from the Friends of Maurice E. Core, longtime leader in the Jersey breed and Dairy Shrine.
B) Dairy Shrine McCullough Freshman Communications Scholarship (1 at $1,000 & 2nd and greater – $1,000)
Applicant must be a freshman at a four-year-college or university majoring in Dairy/Animal Science with a Communications emphasis or Agricultural Journalism with a Dairy/Animal Science emphasis. Student must be planning on a future career in dairy journalism or communications. Scholarship is based on communication abilities, student activities, academic ability and future plans. This scholarship is funded from a bequest sponsored by Marshall E. McCullough, well-known Georgia nutrition researcher, educator and journalist.
C) Dairy Shrine Student Recognition Award for Seniors (1st – $2,000; 2nd – $1,500; 3rd and greater – $1,000)
The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward graduating university or four year college seniors who are planning a career related to the dairy industry or production agriculture and who have demonstrated leadership skills, student activity participation, academic ability and interest in the dairy industry. Each university can nominate up to two students for this award.
D) Dairy Shrine Merton Sowerby Junior Merit Scholarship (1st – $1,500; 2nd and greater – $1,000)
These scholarships are available to current junior students at a four year college who are planning a career in the dairy industry. Major areas of study include: Dairy Science, Agricultural Economics or Accounting, Dairy Genetics, Dairy Equipment, Dairy Nutrition, Dairy Feed or Pharmaceutical sales, Dairy Consultant, Dairy Extension, Dairy researcher or Professor. Scholarships are based on leadership, activities, academic ability and interest in the dairy industry. This scholarship is named in honor of Merton Sowerby, a long time Guernsey classifier, well known herdsman and National Dairy Shrine Pioneer and member of the National Dairy Hall of Fame.
E) Dairy Shrine / DMI Milk Marketing & Dairy Products Scholarship (1st – $1,500; 2nd and greater – $1,000)
These scholarships are available to current junior students at a four year college who are planning a career in the dairy industry. Major areas of study include: Dairy Science, Agricultural Economics or Accounting, Dairy Genetics, Dairy Equipment, Dairy Nutrition, Dairy Feed or Pharmaceutical sales, Dairy Consultant, Dairy Extension, Dairy researcher or Professor. Scholarships are based on leadership, activities, academic ability and interest in the dairy industry. This scholarship is named in honor of Merton Sowerby, a long time Guernsey classifier, well known herdsman and National Dairy Shrine Pioneer and member of the National Dairy Hall of Fame.
F) Dairy Shrine Kildee Graduate School Scholarship (Up to 2 at $3,000)
The top 25 All-American contestants in the past three National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contests plus the Platinum winners in the past three National Dairy Challenge Contests are eligible to apply for up to two $3,000 scholarships for university post graduate study in a dairy related field. Students may apply for the scholarship in their junior or senior year at a four year college. The awards are based on national contest participation, academic standing, leadership ability, student activities, future plans and interest in the dairy industry.
G) Dairy Shrine Mike Lancaster Sophomore Merit Scholarship (1st – $1,500; 2nd and greater – $1,000)
These scholarships are provided to encourage undergraduate sophomore students at a four year college to pursue careers in the dairy industry. Major areas can include: Dairy Science, Agricultural Economics or Accounting, Dairy Genetics, Dairy Equipment, Dairy Nutrition, Dairy Feed or Pharmaceutical Marketing or Sales, Dairy Consultant, Dairy Extension or Dairy Researcher or Professor. Scholarships are based on leadership, activities, academic ability and interests in the dairy industry. This scholarship is named in honor of Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder and Klussendorf recipient Mike Lancaster.
H) Dairy Shrine / DMI Education & Communication Scholarship (1st – $1,500; 2nd and greater – $1,000)
These scholarships are provided to encourage undergraduate sophomores and junior students in a four year college to pursue education or communication careers in dairy or food related industries. Major areas can include: Education, Social Media & Communications, Public Relations, Marketing, Food Science, Nutrition (Human), and Journalism. Scholarships are based on leadership, experience, academic ability and interests in education or communications. Co-sponsored with Dairy Management Inc.
I) Dairy Shrine Iager Scholarship for Two Year College Students (up to 2 at $1,000)
Iager scholarships are available to second year college students in a two-year agricultural college majoring in Dairy or Animal Science. Scholarships will be based on academic standing, leadership ability, interest in the dairy industry and future plans. This scholarship(s) is sponsored from a fund donated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles lager, well known Maryland Holstein breeders.
J) Klussendorf / McKown Scholarships (7 at $1,500)
Seven scholarships will be awarded, three from the Klussendorf's Chris Kampf fund and four from the McKown Fund. Students who are eligible include those that are successfully completing their first, second or third years at a 2-year or 4-year college or university in the United States or Canada majoring in dairy science, animal science, agri-business, or other related majors that will develop the skills needed to pursue a career in the dairy industry. Scholarships are based on activities, experience, interest in showing dairy cattle and future plans. These awards are made possible by donations from Chris Kampf, the McKown family and from Klussendorf members and friends.

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 25
Award Deadline: Apr 15, 2023
The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes, a program of the nonprofit organization Young Heroes Project, celebrates inspiring, public-spirited young people from diverse backgrounds all across North America. Established in 2001 by author T. A. Barron, the Barron Prize annually honors 25 outstanding young leaders ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive impact on people, their communities, and the environment.
Since its inception, the Barron Prize has awarded more than half a million dollars to hundreds of young leaders and has won the support of the National Geographic Education Foundation, Girl Scouts of the USA, and National Youth Leadership Council, among other organizations.
The Barron Prize welcomes applications from public-spirited young people who are, on our April 15 deadline:
between the ages of 8 and 18 (not yet age 19)
permanent residents of and currently residing in the U.S.A. or Canada
currently working on an inspiring service project or have done so within the past 12 months
working as an individual to lead their service work. The Barron Prize does not accept applications from large groups of young people.
Intertech Foundation STEM Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $2,500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Apr 15, 2023
Through our STEM Scholarships, The Intertech Foundation focuses on young people’s inspiration and the building of their science, engineering, and technology skills. If you have excelled in Math and Science and will be graduating from high school this spring (2023), and plan to pursue college studies in computer science in the fall of 2023, consider applying for the Intertech STEM Scholarship.
The Intertech STEM scholarship is a non-renewable, $2,500, one year scholarship that is awarded to a college-bound high school graduating applicant, starting higher education in the fall of 2023.
Cumulative high school GPA of 3.3 or higher
An intent to study computer science
Graduating high school in the spring of 2023 and enrolling at or accepted to an accredited college or university within the US by the end of August
How To Apply
Copy of official school transcript (due to timing and COVID related office hours of many schools, a copy of your high school transcript will suffice)
Resume defining paid work and volunteer experience, as well as extracurricular activities
Two letters of recommendation (one of which should be from a Math or Science teacher familiar with the student)
Copy of official college/university acceptance letter (optional to apply but required prior to first payment)

Porch Skilled Trade and Technology Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $2,000
Awards Available: 4
Award Deadline: Apr 16, 2023
Growing demand and lack of qualified workers in skilled trades and technology means it’s a great time to go back to school and enter these lucrative and fast-growing industries. To help keep up with demand and assist the next generation of professionals, Porch will award a $2,000 scholarship four times a year to eligible students.
Are you eligible?
You must be 18 years or over and currently be enrolled as a high school senior, or in a community college, undergraduate, graduate, technical college, or vocational program, or be planning to enroll in a high school, community college, undergraduate, graduate, technical college, or vocational program during the academic program in the United States.
You must have a minimum 3.4 GPA.
You must be pursuing a degree that enables you or others in your community to learn a new trade, develop skills and technology, or start a small business related to home services offered by Porch.
How are winners selected? Winners will be drawn at random from all eligible entries shortly after the application deadline has ended.
How and when do I find out if I won? Winners will be contacted by email within a reasonable time after the application deadline has ended.
Can I submit more than one entry? Each scholarship is limited to one entry per person.
IWSH Essay Scholarship Contest
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 3
Award Deadline: Apr 28, 2023
The purpose of the scholarship is to acquaint the uninitiated with the crucial importance the plumbing industry plays in our everyday lives. To introduce students to the global impact of IWSH projects.
Students must provide a copy of their current full-time schedule, school transcripts, or acceptance letter with their submission.
Must be a current high school senior; or enrolled or accepted as a full-time (12 credit hours) student in an accredited technical school, community college, trade school, four-year accredited college or university, or an apprentice program.
International students are eligible. Please submit proper school documentation with the essay.
Any submission that is missing some or all of the requirements will be disqualified.
The deadline for essay submissions is 11:59pm (PT) on April 28, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Each submission must include a cover page containing the student’s name, address, phone number, and email. We must be able to contact you if we have any questions or comments regarding your entry.
Essays must be written on the topic noted above and must be an original essay.
One essay per student.
Essays should be no fewer than 800 words and no more than 1,600 words. The essay cover page, added footnotes, references or citation page does not contribute to the word count.

Lift Parts Express Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Apr 30, 2023
To be eligible:
A) A Current Senior in High School or
B) A Freshman or Sophomore in College/University
1. Be a legal resident of the United States or Canada
2. Enrolled or expected to be enrolled by the Fall of 2023
3. Submit a completed online application form prior to the deadline.
SBO Essay Scholarship Contest
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 10
Award Deadline: Apr 30, 2023
Open to Students in ANY type of public or private k-12 school instrumental or vocal program… orchestra, symphony, jazz band, mariachi, wind band, marching band, concert band, modern band, choir, show choir, performing arts choral programs, musical theater performer (instrumental or vocal performance required) and literally any kind of “instrumental” or “vocal” program in your K-12 public or private school.
TEN $1,000 scholarships awarded in two categories:
A) Five $1,000 scholarships to students in grades four to eight.
B) Five $1,000 scholarships to students in grades nine through 12.
Winning school music programs will receive merchandise prizes contributed by Alfred Music Products, Rovner Products, Sabian Ltd., Woodwind & Brasswind, and Yamaha Corporation of America. Along with the essay, please furnish the following information: Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, (e-mail if available), Telephone, Age, Grade, Instrument Played, Name of Music Teacher/Director, Name of School, Address, City, State, Zip Code, and email for Music Teacher/Director if available.

Eleven Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: May 1, 2023
The Eleven Scholarship is founded through our commitment to create a better tomorrow for all. We believe access to higher education is crucial to creating a better, more equal world.
In order to create a more promising future, the next generation of game-changers must be empowered to think critically, use creative problem solving, and seek out opportunities for growth.
This scholarship aims to inspire high school seniors and undergraduate students who are pursuing degrees in STEM fields.
Any BIPOC high school senior or undergraduate student pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics may apply for this scholarship but first-generation students focusing on the Technology, engineering, or mathematics aspect of STEM are preferred.
To apply, tell us about a time when you faced a challenge, how it affected you, and what the experience taught you.
Odenza Vacations College Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: May 1, 2023
To be considered eligible:
1) Be between the ages of 17 and 24 on September 1st, 2023.
2) Submit an answer to the essay question, which can be found on the application page, prior to the May 1st, 2023 deadline.
3) Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
4) Be a resident of the United States or Canada.
The scholarship winner will be announced roughly 6 weeks after the deadline and will be posted on this website immediately after.

Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: May 1, 2023
1. Be currently enrolled or expect to be enrolled in a degree program (2 years of length or greater) by September.
2. Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and submit an answer to the essay question prior to the submission deadline.
3. Be a US resident or a Canadian resident and must also attend a school in Canada or the US.
The Paradigm Challenge
Scholarship Value: $100,000
Awards Available: 100
Award Deadline: May 1, 2023
The Paradigm Challenge is an ongoing competition that invites students aged 4 to 18 around the world to use kindness, creativity, and collaboration to help solve real-life problems and make a difference.
Students aged 4 to 18 (as of the date the entry is submitted) around the world are invited to enter The Paradigm Challenge individually or as teams of any size. See the Challenge Rules for more information about who can join The Paradigm Challenge.
We welcome all types of ideas, including posters, videos, inventions, public messages, community events, websites, mobile apps, or anything else that will help address one or more of the Paradigm Challenge Projects.
Project Paradigm will select no less than 100 entries as Paradigm Challenge Finalists. Finalists will be selected throughout the current Challenge as entries are submitted. A blue-ribbon panel of judges will evaluate Finalist entries based on effectiveness, feasibility, originality, presentation, and collaboration to determine the First, Second, Third, and Grand Prize winners.

AISES Chevron Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 5
Award Deadline: May 31, 2023
Chevron will award scholarships to students majoring in Information Technology, Engineering and Earth Science. Recipient must be authorized to work in the United States and have a 3.0 GPA.
Chevron is one of the world's leading energy companies, with employees working in countries around the world. We explore, produce and transport crude oil and natural gas; refine, market and distribute fuels and other energy products; manufacture and sell petrochemical products; generate power; and develop future energy resources, including biofuels and geothermal energy. Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to getting results the right way – by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies, and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.
Computer Engineering, Computer Science
Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics
Petroleum Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Construction Management
Civil Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials Engineering/Science
Naval Architecture
Environmental Engineering
Occupational Health & Safety
Industrial Hygiene
Student Status
Students must be a full-time high school senior, undergraduate freshman, undergraduate sophomore or undergraduate junior enrolled at an accredited four-year college/university. See additional requirements below by level in school.
Grade Point Average
Must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA).
Residency Status
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Tribal Citizenship
Applicants must be: an enrolled citizen or a descendant of an enrolled citizen of a federal or state recognized American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native Village; or Native Hawaiian or descendant from a Native Hawaiian; or Pacific Islander or descendant from Pacific Islander; or Indigenous person of Canada. Enrollment documents and/or a copy of birth certificate(s) showing descendancy from an enrolled citizen, Indigenous group of Canada, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander are acceptable. Applicant may also, instead, provide a copy of their Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood or Certificate of Degree of Alaska Native Blood (CDIB) card. Please note, AISES may not always have scholarships available for non-citizens of the United States.
Review It Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: May 15, 2023
Dr. Gabriel and Christine Chiu are active philanthropists who avidly support a variety of organizations such as: Children Mending Hearts, Cedars Sinai, the American Red Cross, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, John Wayne Cancer Institute, Children's Action Network, GenArt, AVIVA, Project Angel Food, Center Dance Arts, Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Obesity, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Help for Orphans, the American Red Cross, P.S. Arts, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Art of Elysium, Nancy Davis Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis, Children's Action Network and the Music Center.
Student Eligibility
1) Be attending college or university no later than September of 2023.
2) Have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or greater during their last academic year.
3) Be attending or planning to attend a school in the US.
4) Submit answers to the essay questions no later than 11:59 PM EST on the day of the deadline.

Richard Neumann Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Jun 10, 2023
Richard Neumann was a beloved grandfather who believed that problem-solving and creative thinking were forms of art.
The rising generation is full of creative students who will undoubtedly change the world. However, many of these unconventional thinkers don’t always flourish in traditional schooling and are discouraged from pursuing their goals. In order to make the world more cohesive and visionary, these special students must be supported.
This scholarship aims to support high school students who are creative so they can find innovative solutions to today’s problems.
Any creative high school senior who likes to make things or find solutions to problems may apply for this scholarship.
To apply, tell us about something you’ve created to solve a problem as well as how you would go about solving another problem if you had the necessary resources.

Path to Pro Scholarship Program
Scholarship Value: $2,000
Awards Available: 125
Award Deadlines: March 31, 2022, June 30, 2022, September 30, 2022, and December 31, 2022
Eligibility Requirements:
A) Be a high school senior, high school graduate or have a GED equivalent.
B) Plan to enroll, or be enrolled, in an approved trade-related program at an accredited two-year school (technical/vocational school or college) in the United States.
C) Not be an employee or dependent of an employee of the The Home Depot. Employees of The Home Depot and their dependents are eligible to apply for a scholarship from The Homer Fund.
D) Focused on Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, or Construction Management

"No Essay" Smart Owl Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $7,000
Awards Available: 12
Award Deadline: This is a monthly scholarship and applications will close at the end of each month.
To be eligible for the No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship:
A) Be a resident of any of the 50 United States, District of Columbia or US Territories
B) You must be 16 years of age or older
C) Be enrolled in a college/university or registered in a qualified high school
D) You must be located within the United States
$10,000 College Scholarship for High School and College Students
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 10
Award Deadline: This is a monthly scholarship and applications will close at the end of each month.
To be Eligible:
1. At least 13 years old and enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the US.
2. You must be a legal resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.
The ScholarshipPoints program was created in 2006 to help students win scholarships without the hassle of filling out paper applications and writing dozens of essays. To date, they have given away more than $650,000 through the ScholarshipPoints program.

Be Bold Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $25,145
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: The deadline is November 1, 2022, the scholarship will be awarded on November 30, 2022. However, the scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines
To us, boldest does not mean "best", or "most accomplished". The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile is most bold, according to these characteristics. Being bold means being:
A) Earnest
B) Determined
C) Moving
"No Essay" Nitro Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $2,000
Awards Available: 12
Award Deadline: The “Sweepstakes” begins at 12:00:01AM ET Saturday, January 01, 2022 and ends at 11:59:59PM ET on Saturday, December 31, 2022
A) Currently enrolled as a high school senior or in an accredited college or university located within the United States;
B) A parent who currently has a child enrolled in an accredited college or university located within the United States;
C) A parent who currently has a child enrolled as a high school senior located within the United States;
D) A student or a parent whose child has graduated from an accredited undergraduate school (a "School) and who is currently paying back a student or parent loan for his/her/child's educational expenses for such School ("Entrant").

SP Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $2,500
Awards Available: 12
The SP College Scholarship program was created to help students win scholarships without the hassle of filling out paper applications and writing dozens of essays.
To be eligible for the Scholarship you must be:
A) At least 13 years old and enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the US.
B) A legal resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.
Thus far, they have given away more than $650,000 to students through this scholarship program.