Chester Little Jackets Cheer flyers will be going home today with kiddos!
Just a reminder that today, Friday 12/16/22, is a half day and kicks off a well-deserved break! Please see the image for all upcoming calendar days off for Chester ISD!
NHS recently hosted a Coin War that many went ALL OUT FOR! There was one major reward added at the end... watching Mrs. Dinger be pied in the face. This was based only on COIN weight. Not on the dollars donated which took away from each bucket. These dollars were ignored when it came to finding the total weight each class donated in coins. The class with the most weight in coins for the WHOLE school was...... 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade! Therefore, they got a little treat yesterday! Watching Mrs. Dinger take a pie to the face! Thank you to our AP Mrs. Dinger for being an AMAZING sport!
Go vote for your favorite doors on our Facebook page!
Happy birthday to our November and December staff birthdays! 🎉
Kinder through 5th grade students traveled to different classrooms to visit several different countries experiencing Christmas around the world! What a fun and engaging learning experience for our elementary kiddos! Reminder: Christmas program is today at 2PM in the Chester Cafeteria!
With Christmas break approaching fast, it is easy to find Christmas-related activities happening within the district! Just a few more days til break! Reminder: this Friday is a half-day!
This Friday, 12/16/22, is a half day and kicks off a well-deserved break! Please see the image for all upcoming calendar days off for Chester ISD!
Fourth grade visited the Tyler County Courthouse yesterday! They decorated an ornament for the county tree, toured the courtrooms, and heard some history. Then, they ate at Elijah’s cafe where they ordered and paid for their own meal! It was a great day to be a Yellowjacket!
Last night Chester National Honor Society inducted a group of young men and women into the new local chapter. Here is a message from NHS Advisor, Mrs. Handley:
"Thank you to everyone who came and made our induction night so memorable for our students.
Students, you made induction night run so smoothly and ran the ceremony beautifully! I am so proud of you and look forward to getting to know each of you better in the coming months. Your hard work and dedication to education is unmatched and does not go unnoticed!
Congratulations to the newly inducted National Honor Society students of Chester High School!"
National Honor Society inductions are tonight at 6 p.m. in the Chester Cafeteria! Students must be here by 5:30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there to help us recognize these students for their hard work and dedication to their education.
Check out the images for upcoming Christmas events and theme days for the district!
8th grade preparing cars to race for a cross curricular math and science project!
The Chester High School blood drive will be on 12/14/2022, 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM. You may schedule blood drive appointments here: https://donor.lifeshare.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/246474
The community blood supply would not be possible without volunteers. Thank you for taking on this cause to help so many others!
Please see the image for details on the NHS Coin War! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO NHS'S BIG COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT FOR THIS YEAR (Christmas For Classmates)!
We love Miss Debra!
Thank you to our lovely cafeteria staff for putting on an event in which our elementary kiddos could have lunch with loved ones! It's a great day to be a Yellowjacket!
Christmas for Classmates is being put on this year by Chester's NHS! Please see the image for details.
3rd, 4th, and 5th graders visited the fiction cafe during reading today where they explored a menu containing the many types of fiction. Students had three courses where they could order a different type of fiction to “taste” during each course! It's a great day to be a Yellowjacket!
REMINDER: Sign ups for the Spring 2023 Lamar University dual credit program close on Friday!
The details and registration form have been sent to all high schoolers via their school email. So please, check there for all needed information and documents! The email subject line is: Lamar SPRING Courses and Registration and was sent on Nov 7, 2022. If the students are new to the program, they must fill out an Apply Texas application using the step by step instructions provided in the email. Once that has been accomplished, they must email or turn in a completed registration form (also in the email) to Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson will then submit that registration form on the students behalf after filling out her part. Returning dual credit students only need to submit the registration form to Mrs. Thompson. For students new to the program, one TSI testing opportunity will be today at 8AM and another after Thanksgiving Break. Any questions? Email lthompson@chesterisd.com