Semester examinations for high school are coming up in December! Please see the images for details.
about 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Elementary Thanksgiving Lunch! Please see image for details.
about 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
NHS Members! Need help with your scholarship or your online account? Mrs. Handley is available after school today until 5PM!
about 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Last week our 6th and 8th grade science classes were calculating speed with their own hot wheel races. Using the 5 different tracks Mrs. Powell laid out, each group had to measure the distance, use a stopwatch to time the car, and then use their speed equations to figure out who had the fastest car. Speed = distance/time. Way to go junior high science!
about 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Please see the image for Thanksgiving Break date reminders!
about 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
On this day every year, November 11th, we celebrate Veterans Day to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of our great country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. We would like to honor one of our very own, Coach Hilliard, and thank each and every veteran for their service.
about 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Sign ups for the Spring 2023 Lamar University dual credit program are open! The details and registration form have been sent to all high schoolers via their school email. So please, check there for all needed information and documents! The email subject line is: Lamar SPRING Courses and Registration and was sent on Nov 7, 2022. If the students are new to the program, they must fill out an Apply Texas application using the step by step instructions provided in the email. Once that has been accomplished, they must email or turn in a completed registration form (also in the email) to Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson will then submit that registration form on the students behalf after filling out her part. Returning dual credit students only need to submit the registration form to Mrs. Thompson. For students new to the program, one TSI testing opportunity will be available before Thanksgiving Break and another after Thanksgiving Break. Any questions? Email
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
5th grade celebrated reaching their goals on the reading CBA (curriculum based assessment) that they took yesterday with ice cream and extra recess today! Mrs. Handley couldn’t be more impressed with how hard each student worked. It’s a great day to be a Yellowjacket!! 💜💛
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
ALL DISTRICT VOLLEYBALL AWARDS! Congrats to our Lady Jackets Volleyball team! Photo credits and design by Becki Byrd! 💜💛
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Mrs. Laird is currently teaching her Health Science classes AHA CPR. Her upper level Health Science Theory students will be certified in AHA BLS CPR/AED for adults, children, and infants. BLS is the CPR that healthcare professionals are required to have. Her Principles of Health Science Students are being certified in AHA Heartsaver/AED/First Aid for adults, children, and infants. Heartsaver courses are designed for anyone with little or no medical training to prepare them for an emergency situation. In the upcoming weeks Mrs. Laird will also certify her students in AHA Bloodborne Pathogens and STOP the Bleed.
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Pep Rally Update: Today's Pep rally will BEGIN at 2:45 this afternoon with student dismissal starting directly after the Pep rally is over. Go Jackets!
over 2 years ago, Chester Technology
Photos from the 8th grade egg drop and tug of war within science this week! Why you ask? To make Newton's laws of motion / learning about potential and kinetic energy fun!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Here are some more pictures of a few of our participants in this week's Red Ribbon Week theme days!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
We've had a great Red Ribbon Week thus far. Check out the pictures for some of our participants in this week's theme days!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
It has been an exciting and busy week at Chester ISD so far! This week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week! On Monday and Tuesday, our staff members kicked off the week with some awesome activities! Here are some pictures of just a few of the great things going on at Chester ISD!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
It's National Scholarship Month! In the spirit of this, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Read, and Mrs. Laird have partnered together to ensure our students have ample opportunity all month long to apply for local, national, and worldwide scholarships! As well as, ensure seniors are assisted in other aspects pertaining to their upcoming graduation. Check out the scholarship calendar! If you are a senior, or are a relative helping a Chester senior, please visit our Academic Advising page on the Chester website to reference all needed resources!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Mrs. Powell’s 7th grade is learning about body systems. On Friday, they did stations of various learning activities pertaining to the curriculum!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
6th grade science doing an activity about balanced and unbalanced forces on Halloween!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
Last week, Mrs. Grimes 1st graders made predictions on whether or not the objects would be attracted to a magnet and then tested the items!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson
6th grade performed a mock trial this week in Mrs. Cowan’s English and Language Arts class! The trial was based on a recent reading in which students interpreted the text and presented their arguments at trial using text evidence. Ultimately, the jury (staff and older peers) found the defendant not guilty!
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Thompson